ATRIUM (Advancing Frontier Research In the Arts and Humanities) is a European Commission-funded research project, launched in January 2024, which will run for four years. The project bridges four leading European Research Infrastructures: DARIAH (arts and humanities), ARIADNE (archaeology), CLARIN (languages), and OPERAS (open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities), and brings 17 partners and 12 affiliated entities from 12 countries across Europe.
TRANS-Lighthouses is an EU-funded project that aims to gather evidence on material and immaterial results of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in order to rethink and reframe the main elements that compose the complexity of creating social and ecologically just NBS.
(Ελληνικά) Εμβληματική δράση ΕΛΙΔΕΚ “Το αναδυόμενο τοπίο ψηφιακής εργασίας στις Ανθωπιστικές Επιστήμες στο πλαίσιο των ευρωπαϊκών υποδομών DARIAH και CLARIN”.
4CH is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission, that started on the 1st January 2021 for a duration of three years. It will design and prepare for a European Competence Centre on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage which will work proactively for the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage (CH).
The European Commission (Connecting Europe Facility – CEF) funded project “Sharing new perspectives” will use interest in 3D as a driver to encourage end-users to engage with content that is accessible through Europeana in a creative and highly interactive way.
A research network funded by the COST Association to study East European cultures of dissent (1945-1989).
(Ελληνικά) Η υποδομή ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΣ έχει ως αποστολή τη δημιουργία και λειτουργία ενός περιβάλλοντος υπηρεσιών, πόρων, εκπαίδευσης και υποστήριξης, το οποίο θα επιτρέπει την ολοκληρωμένη πρόσβαση και αξιοποίηση συλλογών ψηφιακών πόρων των ανθρωπιστικών επιστημών και της γλωσσικής τεχνολογίας για ερευνητικούς, εκπαιδευτικούς, αλλά και παραγωγικούς σκοπούς, καθώς και τον εμπλουτισμό αυτών και την παραγωγή και ενσωμάτωση νέων.
The COST action ARKWORK is aimed at forming an interdisciplinary network that will collect the knowledge and experiences of researchers and projects, national as well as European, in producing and exploiting archaeological knowledge.
The internal project Digital Curation Services supports the advancement of research and development efforts according to DCU’s research directions and work programme by using chiefly funds remaining from the execution of service provision projects.
The Research Data Alliance Europe project aims at facilitating European representation within the RDA Global Αlliance.