H Μονάδα Ψηφιακής Επιμέλειας με τη παρουσίαση του Δημήτρη Γαβρίλη και Πάνου Κωνσταντόπουλου με τίτλο: «MOPSEUS: Facilitating Open Access in the Humanitites» συμμετέχει στο 1ο Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή Επιστήμη με τίτλο: “Open Science Fair 2017”.
On 15-16 June, in Heraklion, Crete, data scientists, and practitioners, students, researchers were invited to join the datathon co-organised by the RDA-Europe and BlueBRIDGE.
On 13-14 June at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University, Europeana and CARARE are organizing a two-day workshop. The theme of the workshop is “Archeology and Architecture at Europeana”.
The Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences hosted in May 7-8 the DARIAH DiMPO Workshop.
Our colleagues Dimitris Gavrilis, Vangelis Nomikos, Konstantinos Kravvaritis, Stavros Angelis, Christos Papatheodorou and Panos Constantopoulos received the Best Student Paper Award for the Paper “MORe: A micro-service oriented aggregator”!
DCU participated in Mind the Lab, an innovative scientific event organized in Athens, Greece.
DCU is very happy to announce that the Europeana Research Grants Scheme, which we co-designed and co-developed, has been nominated for this years’ Digital Humanities Awards!
The Final Event of the ARIADNE project was held in Florence on the 15-16 Dec. 2016. We were proud to participate in the closing event of a successful project in which we were responsible for setting up and supporting the aggregation/enrichment infrastructure, the ARIADNE portal as well as other services.
The DARIAH Winter School 2016 was held in Prague in the 24 to 28 of October and was entitled “Open Data Citation for Social Sciences and Humanities”. Issues of Open Access, Open Data, Open Peer Review and Publishing, Platforms and Infrastructures were discussed, as well as the work performed by the research infrastructure of DARIAH.