

A brand new website for APOLLONIS infrastructure


The new website of APOLLONIS, the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, has been launched!


"Connecting archaeology and architecture data: updating the CARARE metadata schema" Presentation


A presentation on “Connecting archaeology and architecture data: updating the CARARE metadata schema” was made by our colleagues Dimitris Gavrilis and Christos Papatheodorou, along with Kate Fernie (2Culture Associates), at the CARARE Workshop “Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana” (University of Lund, Sweden, 20.06.2018).


Participation in the DARIAH Theme Workshop "Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions"


The Digital Curation Unit and our colleage Maria Ilvanidou took part at the DARIAH Theme Workshop “Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions,” held in Warsaw on 19-20 June 2018.


Presentation at the "Digital History" one-day event, Historical Archive of the University of Athens

Digital History event

A presentation on “Local history and construction of contemporary historical narratives of WW1 in the digital domain: The cases of Europeana 1914-1918, Cymru 1914 and Living Legacies” was given on 14.06.2018 by our colleague Agiatis Benardou at the “Digital History” one-day event of the Historical Archive of the University of Athens.


Presentation of the Apollonis infrastructure at the Kick off meeting of "Culture, Digital Media and Entrepreneurship: From Digitization to Gamification"


APOLLONIS, the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation will be presented by our colleague Agiatis Benardou on Friday 18 May at the kick off meeting “Culture, Digital Media and Entrepreneurship: From Digitization to Gamification.”


Round table: "Digital Humanities: Is Music part of them?", 2nd conference of Music Libraries and Archives, Athens Concervatoire, 27 April 2018


Our colleague Agiatis Benardou will be the moderator of the round table “Digital Humanities: Is Music part of them?” at the international conference organized by IAML Greece on 27 and 28 April 2018.


The Digital Curation Unit at the Pelagios “Enable Babel” workshop, Berlin, 20-22 February 2018


The Digital Curation Unit, with our colleague Maria Ilvanidou, traveled to Berlin and the Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, to participate at the “Enable Babel” workshop organized by Pelagios Commons on 20-22 February 2018.


APOLLONIS kick off meeting, 5-6 February 2018


The kick off meeting of the “APOLLONIS: Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation” project was held at the Athena Research Center on 5-6 February 2018. During the two-day meeting, all project partners came together to discuss and establish a detailed strategic plan, while various working groups were formed.


APOLLONIS. Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation


(Ελληνικά) Η υποδομή ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΣ έχει ως αποστολή τη δημιουργία και λειτουργία ενός περιβάλλοντος υπηρεσιών, πόρων, εκπαίδευσης και υποστήριξης, το οποίο θα επιτρέπει την ολοκληρωμένη πρόσβαση και αξιοποίηση συλλογών ψηφιακών πόρων των ανθρωπιστικών επιστημών και της γλωσσικής τεχνολογίας για ερευνητικούς, εκπαιδευτικούς, αλλά και παραγωγικούς σκοπούς, καθώς και τον εμπλουτισμό αυτών και την παραγωγή και ενσωμάτωση νέων.


Παρουσίαση - Ανοικτή Συζήτηση με αφορμή την κυκλοφορία του συλλογικού τόμου με τίτλο ‘Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities’


(Ελληνικά) Η Μονάδα Ψηφιακής Επιμέλειας του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων/Ερευνητικό Κέντρο “Αθηνά” σας προσκαλεί στην ανοικτή παρουσίαση του συλλογικού τόμου Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities
