

Series of online courses on "Digital Collections Metadata Curation"


Digital Curation Unit and APOLLONIS Infrastructure will organise a series of three online courses titled “Digital Collections Metadata Curation in the Arts and Humanities”.


Twitter Conference “DH in the Time of Virus” nominated for the DH Awards 2020!


Twitter Conference “DH in the Time of Virus” that was organized by Digital Curation Unit in the context of APOLLONIS Infrastructure has been nominated for Best DH Response to COVID19 at the DH Αwards 2020!


4CH - Competence Centre for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage


4CH is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission, that started on the 1st January 2021 for a duration of three years. It will design and prepare for a European Competence Centre on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage which will work proactively for the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage (CH).


"DH in Transition" project funded by DARIAH Theme 2020!


Our proposal “DH in Transition: A mixed approach and a hybrid publication on the effects of COVID-19 in DH research and practice” was amongst the ones funded by DARIAH Theme 2020!


Honorable Mention to the paper "Integrating archival materials for the study of the turbulent Greek 40s"


Honorable Mention received our paper at the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2020!


"Facilitating archival research on the study of the turbulent 1940s" online discussion


An online discussion on the particularities and challenges of digital archives and collections holding resources on the turbulent 1940s.


2nd round of applications for MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities


The 2nd round of applications for MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities is now open! Deadline for applications is 07/09.


MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities: application deadline 17.06.2020


The application deadline for the MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities at AUEB is 17.06.2020.


"DH in the time of Virus" Twitter Conference, 2.4.2020


As we are all going through some unprecedented and peculiar times, with COVID-19 spreading globally and disrupting the ways in which we work, collaborate, interact, conduct research and are being productive, Research and Innovation Center “Athena”, as co-ordinator of APOLLONIS, the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, is organizing a Twitter Conference under the title “DH in the Time of Virus”.


Agiatis Benardou at the two-day event of the Archive "Memories of the Occupation in Greece"


Our colleague Agiatis Benardou will be participating on 11 October 2019 at the two-day event “Memory, testimony and the digital approach to History: the Archive ‘Memories of the Occupation in Greece'” with a talk on digital research initiatives in Greece and Europe and the evolution of the science of History.
