Digital Curation Unit and APOLLONIS Infrastructure will organise a series of three online courses titled “Digital Collections Metadata Curation in the Arts and Humanities”.
Under the 3D-ICONS project, a training workshop took place at Xanthi, in 27 and 28 of June. The workshop’s goal was to get in touch and to familiarize the partners of the project through a demo of the repository.
ARIADNE Work Package 3 (Standards and Interoperability), whose leader is the Digital Curation Unit of Athena Research Center, organizes two training workshop. The first one is held inThe Hague in January 13-14, 2014.
ARIADNE Work Package 3 (Standards and Interoperability), whose leader is the Digital Curation Unit of Athena Research Center, organizes two training workshop. The second one will be held in Rome in January 20-21, 2014.
This workshop aims to bring together leading scholars involved in major digital scholarly infrastructure projects such as DARIAH, NeDiMAH, Europeana Cloud,ARIADNE, 3D ICONS, EHRI,DASISH, LARM, CLARIN, DiRT and DHCommons, in dialogue with practising digital humanists.
As part of its Transnational Access (TNA) activities, the ARIADNE project is offering researchers the opportunity to apply to participate in Summer Schools and individual training visits to carry forwards their own research. For 2015, calls for applications will be opened every three months.
(Ελληνικά) Το πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης είναι μέρος ενός πενθήμερου Θερινού Σχολείου που διοργανώνεται στο πλαίσιο του έργου ARIADNE με τίτλο “Νέες ψηφιακές πρακτικές στην αρχαιολογική έρευνα”. Το πρόγραμμα είναι ανοιχτό σε όσους ενδιαφέρονται στη χρήση ψηφιακών μεθόδων και εργαλείων για την πρόσβαση , αναπαράσταση , οπτικοποίηση και επικοινωνία αρχαιολογικών πόρων.
DCU is organizing a 20-hours workshop on the use of documentation tools for cultural data. The workshop is part of the DARIAH-DYAS project and addresses issues such as the documentation of photographic resources, the use of metadata registries, the documentation of archaeological resources, aspects of interoperability and certification in Digital Humanities etc.
In the context of CEF project, a training workshop was held in 7-8 December at York, England. The main goal of the workshop was to re-activate the CARARE community so as to improve or update their content in Europeana.