The Digital Curation Unit


The mission of the Digital Curation Unit (DCU), established in 2007, is to conduct research, develop technologies and applications, provide services and training, and act as a national focus point in the field of digital curation.


Latest news


Summer Institute: Digital Humanities For Hellenic Studies 2025


Summer Institute: Digital Humanities for Hellenic Studies – Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood July 7 to July 11, 2025


ARTEMIS kick-off meeting


On February 11th and 12th, 2025, ARTEMIS—an EU-funded project with the participation of the Digital Curation Unit—was launched in Florence.


Translighthouses Community Website: Nature-Based Solutions in Action


Discover the TRANS-Lighthouses Community Website, a dedicated platform supporting innovative Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) across urban, rural, forestry, and other environments.


DARIAH Theme Funding Call 2024-2026: Mistakes


The open thematic call for funding small research projects for 2024-2026 by the European research infrastructure DARIAH is on air!


Job opportunity in Digital Humanities


Job opportunity in Digital Humanities!


ATRIUM: Transnational Access Scheme Grants


Fully funded training visits to European institutions in the Digital Humanities, in the framework of the European project ATRIUM.

DCU is undertaking research and development projects, in collaboration with research, governmental and private sector organizations, relevant to the broader field of digital curation.

  • ARTEMISproject
  • ATRIUM_510x384
  • ECHOES_project
  • TRANS-Lighthouses

Tools and Systems

MORe Aggregator

MORe Aggregator

The Metadata & Object Repository (MoRe) is an easy and powerful tool to aggregate information. Harvest metadata from multiple sources in multiple schemas. Validate, clean and normalize large amounts of content. Transform into a common schema and publish to multiple targets.

Mopseus Digital Library

Mopseus Digital Library

The Mopseus digital library is a flexible and powerful digital library. Design and use any metadata schema, define taxonomies and integrate them with cataloguing.

Latest Publications

112 entries « 1 of 38 »
The Greek Landscape of Digital Humanities Initiatives.
Dritsou, Vicky
Presentation at Fiesole Retreat 2022, Athens, April 5 , 2022.
Aggregation and Curation of Historical Archive Information.
Constantopoulos, Panos; Dritsou, Vicky; Ilvanidou, Maria; Chroni, Alexandra
In: Karagiannis, Dimitris; Lee, Moonkun; Hinkelmann, Knut; Utz, Wilfrid (Ed.): Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling, Chapter 23, Pages: 523-540, Springer, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-030-93546-7.
DH Goes Viral.
Barker, Elton; Benardou, Agiatis; Giorgio, Sara Di; Dritsou, Vicky; Dombrowski, Quinn; Felicetti, Achille; Gardikas, Katerina; Garnett, Vicky; Ilvanidou, Maria; Irollo, Alba; Floch, Justine Le; Meghini, Carlo; Mikros, George; Papaki, Eliza; Richardson, Lorna; Schreibman, Susan; Terras, Melissa; Tsakonas, Giannis
2021, ISBN: 978-618-85875-0-2.
112 entries « 1 of 38 »


Training on digital curation practices as well as on specific tools and systems is an important aspect of the Digital Curation Unit’s activities. The Digital Curation Unit, as a training provider, often undertakes educational programs either in the context of a project or by assignment.

This section features the training programs, seminars, summer schools and all other educational activities that the DCU has undertaken in the past or is planning for the immediate future.
